Monday, May 5, 2008

Cool Libraries

I would like to raise the issue of people assuming that libraries are uncool and that everyone working in them are bookworms, nerds or geeks. I completely disagree and believe if these people stepped a foot in a library they would see how wrong they really are! Have your say.....


linda said...

I couldn't agree more. Perhaps we should use more images of our young people to show that we're not ALL nerdy frumps!

Michelle McLean said...

People working in libraries are cool, intelligent and helpful. We love what we do and we're good at it. Nuff said.

I am not a Librarian said...

Hey Ned - great to have you on board! Check out this site and click on "teen interest" for a poster that should "gladden your Librarian's heart" :o)

Mon said...

SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH- I'm reading your blog........