Thursday, June 4, 2009


We all know that books are here to stay and they will never disappear. However we live in the age where people are always on the go and these days so many people spend hours and hours in the car. That's where eBooks come in perfect. They are for the people on the go and people who are visually impaired. These days it is so easy to download an eBook, place it on your Ipod and plug it into the car stereo. And if you are stuck in a car for most of the time at least you got something to keep you occupied and amused. Or in some cases even calm. We all know being calm in a car with quite a few crazy drivers around us isn't easy, so this can help. This doesn't however mean that eBooks are strictly to be used in a car, they are great for people who enjoy to listen rather then read and best of all they are mostly available free of charge. Some audio books can cos $100 dollars and more.
I say bring on the age of freeware and shareware.
Who says nothing is free!!!

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