Sunday, May 24, 2009

You Tube!!!

I love you tube. It is so easy to find a video clip of just about anything and of course it is free. You can find different clip sizes as well as different video clip quality. Also, if you have a decent internet connection the loading times are very quick. I really like how easy it is to share the clips, you can place it on the blog, a website and as always email it.
I guess the only downside is that you have to be a bit careful about copyright implications, especially if you are using the clip on a website.
Overall You Tube has been one of my favorite sites since it first arrived as I got easy access to all the soccer clips I can get my hands on. Below is one of the funnier ones. Well for the soccer fans at least.

1 comment:

Michelle McLean said...

Hilarious and well done with the embedding - it can be fun to get your head around that to begin wiht.